Our services are free but we do have expenses to cover such as office rent, telephone charges, insurance and driver mileage.
We have always had strong support from our Parish Councils and West Berkshire Council, some of whom make regular grants to the Centre as does the Whitchurch Bridge Company. We are most grateful to our regular contributors who provide us with a sound base income.
Most of our Clients are very generous with their donations and we get very good feedback of how much our services are appreciated. It is a long, long time since we had a complaint!
We raise small amounts by social events and collecting at fetes and village fairs so we remain in a strong financial position.
As a charity we have to account for our funds to the Charity Commission each year and the report is approved at our Annual General Meeting, usually in March or April which is open to any resident of our area.
Our funds are divided into two groups;
- First charitable donations which must be spent only on furthering the charitable objects of the Centre.
- Second money raised from social events etc which we can spend on anything we like, although in practice it all goes towards providing our services.
Here are links to some of our friends and supporters:
- Ashampstead Parish Council
- Basildon Parish Council
- Boat House Surgery, Pangbourne
- Pangbourne, Sulham and Tidmarsh Churches
- Pangbourne Parish Council
- Purley on Thames Parish Council
- West Berkshire Council
- West Berkshire Volunteer Bureau
- Whitchurch Bridge Company
- Whitchurch Parish Council
- Whitchurch Hill and Goring Heath Parish Council